A history of Department of Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) and HSE-MS program

 Today, the management systems and standards in all organizations and industries are a continuous and strategic process and considered necessary for change, improvement and excellence of organization in line with the business success. An important principle in any dynamic and leading organization is the integration and coordination. Organizations cannot succeed with an independent and separate management system, because in this case, the confrontation, capital losses, and parallel activities stand out against concepts of productivity. The main and basic goal of the Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSE-MS) is integration. This integration is such that all the managerial, social, economic, health, safety, and environmental components are identified and then applied to each process. The HSE-MS is a purposeful, organized, dynamic, and well-planned structure which can be revised and also adjusted at different times to provide guidelines, procedures, standards, and regulations.

Due to the growing need of various industries and organizations in the country to provide the specialized human resources for the establishment and deployment of health, safety and environment management system (HSE-MS), in 2007 the application form for establishing a master degree in Health, Safety, and Environmental Management was sent to the Chancellor of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in February 2007. After approval by Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs, the proposed program was sent to the director of the Office for Development and Evaluation of Medical Education and the Secretary of the High Council of Planning for Medical Sciences. Afterward, with the follow-up and holding several meetings in Ministry of Health and Medical Education and the university, the HSE program was finally approved in May 2011. Then, Health, Safety and Environmental Management program was offered and the admission of student for the first time in the country was started in 2012. Initially, the MS program was managed under the auspices of the Department of Health Sciences, but then in 2015, the Department of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) was established independently.


Educational Objectives of Department

 Implementation of the approved curriculum of the HSE-MS Masters Degree and training of specialized graduated required for the work environment at the national and international levels.

  • Systematic needs assessment of technical and educational issues in the field of HSE
  • Planning for technical and specialized educational topics in the field of HSE
  • Holding technical courses or workshops in the field of HSE (Off-site or on-site)
  • Planning and holding of conferences in the field of HSE



The mission, vision, and operational plan of Department of HSE


The mission of Department of HSE is to promote health, safety and environmental management at the national and international levels through the training of committed and specialized human resources, conduct applied research and finally to provide the specialized services. The vision of department is to achieve the first rank in the country and to improve the countrys position in the global rankings in the field of manpower training, science production and providing specialized health, safety and environmental services (HSE).

Among the most important goals of the Department are the following:

  • Training of specialized and capable human resources as the director or officer of HSE in the industries and organizations
  • Improving the quality and quantity of education in line with the rapid growth and changes in the university and industry, along with the progress of technology in the world
  • Development of a coordinated HSE culture in industrial units and organizations across the country
  • Improving the quality of integrated HSE-MS in the country
  • Reducing the damage and injury caused by work-related accidents and diseases and environmental pollution at the national level and increasing productivity and positive impact on the national economy
  • Dissemination and promotion of HSE knowledge
  • Supporting and contributing in conferences and exhibitions on HSE issues at the national and international levels
  • Admission of students for other masters degree programs related to HSE