Dr. Rezvan Zendehdel

PhD in  Toxicology / Pharmacology

Position: Professor

Email: zendedel76@sbmu.ac.ir

Profiles: ORCID, CV

Areas of expertise: Areas of expertise: Occupational Toxicology, Molecular toxicology , Cell culture


Dr. Mousa Jabbari

PhD in Occupational Health

Position: Professor

Email: Jabbarim@sbmu.ac.ir

Profiles: ORCID, CV

Areas of expertise: Risk management, Industrial safety, Safety in construction sites, Fire modeling, Explosion and emission of toxic gases, Analysis of workplace accidents.


Dr. Somayeh Farhang dehghan

PhD in Occupational Health

Position: Associate Professor

Email: somayeh.farhang@sbmu.ac.ir

Profiles: ORCID, CV

Areas of expertise: Occupational Health, Air Pollution, Filtration, Nanofibers, Noise, Heat stress.


Dr. Mostafa Pouyakian

PhD in Occupational Health  

Position: Associate Professor

Email: pouyakian@sbmu.ac.ir

Profiles: ORCID, CV

Areas of expertise: Occupational and Traffic Accidents, Risk Assessment and Management, Cognitive Ergonomics


 Dr. Davoud Panahi

PhD in Occupational Health

Position: Associate Professor

Email: davodpanahi@sbmu.ac.ir

Profiles: ORCID, CV

Areas of expertise: Analysis and Evaluation of Chemical Pollutants in the Workplace, Control of Chemical Pollutants in the Workplace, Occupational Toxicology


Dr. Ali salehi Sahlabadi

PhD in Occupational Health

Position: Associate Professor

Email: asalehi529@sbmu.ac.ir

Profiles: ORCID, CV

Areas of expertise: Physical ergonomics, Cognitive Ergonomics and Macro Ergonomics





Dr. Ali Reza Haji Ghasemkhan

PhD in Environmental Pollution

Position: Associate Professor

Email: hajighasemkhan@sbmu.ac.ir

Profiles: ORCID, CV

Areas of expertise: Industrial toxicology, environmental chemical pollutants